Lulo box

Hey there! My name is Silvia Eddy. I am a mom of two, an engineer and a lover of great design, creativity and inquisitive minds. Lulo box was born during the crazy pandemic times, with my two littles at home and an extreamly hectic work schedule. I had little to no time to handle it all. Let's be honest, it was a MESS! I sought out to find a solution and started creating STEM activity boxes for my little crew with easy to follow instructions to help them focus on exploring and creating while I managed to try to work. They loved their boxes!
Becoming an engineer was a lot of hard work but something I am very proud of. I enjoy designing and creating, it makes my heart beat fast and I wouldn't change it for the world.
The essence of Lulo is to awaken that inquisitive and creative mind that is in all of us. Lulo box is completely designed and engineered by me! I draft all the CAD models, source each and every one of the materials, cut them in my family woodshop and assemble all the individual boxes. It is a process of love and I do a happy dance every time a Lulo box is finished.
Come join me as we EXPLORE - CREATE - LEARN
- Silvia